Acacia Avenue
Aura Holdings
Budds Beach, Gold Coast
Traditional Owners
David Spittle
A vision for vertical coastal retirement living.
Acacia is a 32-storey high vertical retirement village located at Budd’s Beach just east of Surfers Paradise. The building takes full advantage of 360-degree views with the Pacific Ocean to the east and the Great Dividing Range to the west. The development contains 94 two and three-bedroom apartments including 16 sub penthouses and two penthouses. The client had a vision for the future of retirement living, as a vertical living arrangement. ONA analysed the best attributes of 4-6 storey retirement living with substantial landscaped grounds and then recast these attributes in a vertical stack. The aim of Acacia is to create a thriving community with varied gathering and social spaces, as well as a continuous link to the surrounding landscape. Passive design principles such as a high degree of natural ventilation, with good access to sunlight and views are also important aspects to the design. The plan is arranged in response to view corridors aspect and prevailing breezes. The building form takes its cues from the shape of the site, the corners extending towards the beach and ocean, hinterland and Nerang River. The balconies and living spaces are provided with a combination of sliding doors and screens to manage breeze over the course of the day. Extensive community facilities are arranged over 3 floors with access to landscaping at each level. Facilities are clustered dependent on use to create a coherent framework for residents.